Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Skeldon Estate strike

The 'Working Class' Minister of Agriculture who is part of a government that care for the Sugar Workers have dogged out the Striking sugar workers at the Skeldon Sugar Factory and estates.

Our sources tells us that the workers have on strike for the past week after two senior employees were sent off the job following a fire. The workers felt that the fire was not their fault and their fellow employees should not have been so harshly dealt with.

Minister Robert Persaud had scheduled two visits to the factory this week and has postponed both since our sources said that he does not to have to personally deal with them.

Some union officials believe that a few more of the workers attached to Skeldon estate will be fired since there could be a plot my mischievous persons spreading rumors that some of the workers were planning to burn cane.

The caring PPP government has once again refuse to face the workers and address their plight even worse they have refuse to even meet with their very supporters in the working sugar industry.

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